profile image of vijay kc

Hi, I am Vijay

Full-stack Web and Software Developer,

specializing in

About me

I am a highly motivated and dedicated full-stack web and software developer with a passion for both frontend and backend technologies. I have a background in intensive web development training, robust self-learning, and several months of internship experience.

My training and interests are focused on TypeScript-based frontend and backend stacks, including React, Next.js, Remix, Node.js, Express, serverless architectures, and deployment/hosting solutions such as AWS, Vercel, and Netlify.

Let us connect and discuss how I can contribute to your team and help create the next big thing!

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Misc. Market

Misc Marketplace is a full-stack e-commerce application written in TypeScript on Next.js platform, powered by Next.js Server Actions, MongoDB and REST API. Dynamic product filter, search and sorting optiong along with secure cart functionality makes the project professional. New features are coming soon.Next.jsTypeScriptMongoDBTailwind CSS

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